We Are New Beginnings Tradeshow Advisors.


A trusted company to develop and implement tradeshows and special events.                  the missing piece in your program.

Has your job description changed?

2021 was a new beginning for so many.  Jobs have been eliminated, and your job description has been added to. We are in the business of helping you be successful as you begin to return to face to face events.  The human spirit needs human interaction.  Together we will create a healthy event program, strong strategies and positive end results after the work is done.

Our capabilities include but are never limited to:
Program building and goal setting
Onsite oversite
Show Services Management
Booth Design management
Staff Training

Robin Gathman

Owner & Tradeshow Specialist

Robin Gathman DES, CTSM Silver

I have made tradeshows and special events my passion.  I developed the tradeshow department for my last employer, growing it from a few 10×10 booths to the powerhouse it was with 90+ tradeshows and special events a year before 2020 changed the world. I also helped develop the dealer training events that improved sales and relationships with our partners. In response to our partners requests to offer training for the owners, I created the 2 day program that was used for many years.

I made the decision to educate myself in tradeshow marketing thru TSEA and then EXHIBITOR for my Certified Tradeshow Marketer Certificate. My portfolio will be available upon request. In the midst of the pandemic I decided to stay fresh and just completed my DES Certification. DES stands for Digital Event Strategist from the PCMA. Tradeshows are a big part of the marketing budget, education helps manage the budget.

As part of my desire to educate myself, I also enjoy educating others. I have spoken for several years at ExhibitorLIVE and at their FastTrak program. I have also spoken to groups on exhibiting and sponsorships.

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